Creative, relaxed and full of positive energy with Neowake.
Discover the world of neuromusic!
I discovered Neowake in the summer of 2020 and have been using the platform almost every day since then. I was looking for ways to boost my creativity and inspiration and came across Neowake by accident. Neowake is probably the most well-known platform for frequency technologies here in Germany and offers a wide range of audio sequences.
The audio titles or sessions are very effective listening programs that strengthen mental abilities and can thus have a positive influence on life. You can think of it as a kind of relaxation music. They work through the so-called brain wave stimulation, in which the brain is stimulated by special sound waves. This can help expand states of consciousness.

Since 2021, Neowake has also been offering so-called bio-frequencies that dock on to very specific physical problems. I use it less myself, but have had very good success with it when I have a severe migraine.
I particularly enjoyed the sessions dealing with relaxation, meditation and self-discovery. They have helped me to clear my thoughts and discover new perspectives.
The Audio's "Peak Creativity", "Golden Mind" and "Solitarius" are for me almost a booster for innovative ideas and creativity.
I will soon be presenting a few of these sessions in more detail here on the blog.
But try it yourself. There is a great one Offer to try membership for free. is in the test phase You have the complete offer at your disposal. I am happy that Neowake made this possible and that I can offer it to you here on the blog.
7-day trial subscription Neowake

• 400+ audios
• Community & coaching area
• New Biofrequencies: improve your body's self-regulation
• Bonus gift upon completion of the 7-day trial period
For me, Neowake is just awesome for overcoming blockages and also You can try it out with the Neowake audio sequences, yours Taking creativity to the next level! Just let go of her Inspire the effect of the audios, feel the change and get into the creative flow.